Seraphim Film Productions

‘Seraphim David Schaal Acting Programme’
Terms of Business/Terms and Conditions
1. This document sets out the terms and conditions between The Seraphim David Schaal Acting Programme (owned and managed by Seraphim Film Productions) of Broomsleigh House A3, Broomsleigh Business Park, Worseley Bridge Rd, London SE26 5BN and all delegates on our courses.

2. It contains important information and you should read these terms and conditions carefully before accepting your offer to ensure that you understand the contents as these terms and conditions will become binding on you and us when a contract is formed between us in accordance with condition 2.

3. In this document the term ‘course’ is used to refer to the full programme of training, which you will undertake.

1. Introduction

1.1 Please read the Delegate Code of Conduct and the other documents referred to in condition 2 below, which contain these rules and forms part of the terms and conditions of your contract with the SDSAP. You can request copies of these documents from [email protected]

2. Our contract with you

2.1 These terms and conditions govern the relationship between you and the Seraphim David Schaal Acting Programme (SDSAP) and it is important that you read them carefully prior to accepting your offer to ensure that you understand their contents. Please note that SDSAP is owned and operated by Seraphim Film Productions Ltd.

2.2 These terms and conditions will become binding on you and us when we confirm your place on a SDSAP course in writing, and any conditions set out in your offer have been met to our satisfaction, at which point a legal contract is formed between you and SDSAP on the basis of the terms and conditions set out in your course instructions, the terms and conditions set out in this document and the terms and conditions set out in:

2.2.1. Regulations and policies as provided in SDSAP Code of Conduct Policy, all other rules, regulations and policies which SDSAP makes for its delegates.

2.3 Please make sure that you familiarise yourself carefully with the content of these documents and their relevant requirements. Queries regarding any of these documents should be referred to us at [email protected]

2.4 In the event of a conflict between these terms and conditions and any other regulations, policies or procedures set out herein and above which apply to your studies, these terms and conditions shall take precedence.

Statement of Terms of Business

2.5 The contract may be ended by SDSAP and your enrolment terminated if the relevant conditions are not met or our terms not complied with, as set out in the documents specified herein and above, above. For example, failure to comply with our delegate Code of Conduct could result in the SDSAP taking action against you under its disciplinary procedures, which could result in termination by the SDSAP of your enrolment on your course and of the contract.

2.6 The SDSAP IS NOT a sponsor for the purposes of sponsoring delegates who wish to study here from outside the EEA and therefore if relevant to your situation you will have to arrange permission to enter the United Kingdom as an international students with an authorised UK immigration law specialist.

3. Enrolments and Re-enrolment

3.1 Your place on our course will be conditional on you complying with enrolment conditions including any conditions relating to your fees, and enrolling at the start of your course.

3.2 You must enrol in the way we inform you at the start of your course, as set out in your introductory information and induction pack email. If you cannot or do not enrol as directed you must provide us with an acceptable reason for your non-enrolment in order to be permitted to enrol by an alternative method, otherwise you will not be entitled to enrol for that course (or any future year of study) and your relationship with the SDSAP and this contract shall be terminated.

3.3 The SDSAP does not normally permit students to defer the offer of a place for Enrolment in a later course of study. Failure to enrol at the start of your course in accordance with these terms of business will result your relationship with the SDSAP and this contract being terminated and you will need to reapply from the start to be considered for a place to study on our course.

3.4 Provided you are eligible to re-enrol (which means you have met the assessment and progression requirements, do not owe the SDSAP fees and have not been suspended from the course for any reason including under our Disciplinary Policy and Fitness to Train Policy), you must re-enrol for each subsequent course using the approved procedure. If you cannot or do not re-enrol using the approved procedure you must provide us with a reason for your non-enrolment which is acceptable to us in order to be permitted to enrol on another occasion, otherwise you will not be entitled to enrol for that year of study (or any future year of study) and your relationship with SDSAP and this contract shall be terminated.

4. Your Obligations

4.1 In enrolling with the SDSAP as a delegate, you become part of our community. From the point your offer is confirmed you are required to abide by the regulations, rules, policies and procedures set out at condition 2 above, copies of which can be obtained from the [email protected]

You are required at all times to behave courteously and respectfully towards other students and members of teaching and non-teaching staff, including visiting professionals, in accordance with our Delegate Code of Conduct.

4.2 Your obligations to the SDSAP are to:

4.2.1. Pay your course fees and other required fees when due as set out in the SDSAP Fees Policy and in the offer letter. If you cease to be a delegate of the SDSAP because for example you withdraw from your course or we terminate your enrolment, including for non-payment of fees, you may still be liable for any outstanding fees. (See condition 8 below).

4.2.2. Be responsible for your own learning, making use of the appropriate equipment and facilities and complying with the rules and regulations established by the SDSAP for the use of resources and facilities as set out the SDSAP Delegate Code of Conduct.

4.2.3. Participate actively in your training, including meeting the SDSAP rules around attendance, which do not generally allow for absence other than in exceptional circumstances, and do nothing that will hinder or interfere with the training of other students.

5 Our obligations to you

5.1The SDSAP obligations to you are to:

5.1.1. Provide you with the tuition and learning support associated with your course with reasonable care and skill;

5.1.2. Subject to conditions 16 and 17, deliver your course as described and summary course document for the duration of the course; and

5.1.3. Ensure that you are assessed without fear or favour in terms of fairness and professionalism.

6 Termination of contract and enrolment

6.1 You may withdraw from the SDSAP and terminate this contract and your enrolment as a delegate at any time by giving written notice to SDSAP by sending an email to the address [email protected]

Any such withdrawal will take effect when the named contact receives the communication from you.

6.1.1 The SDSAP may terminate this contract and your registration if, in accordance with these terms and conditions and the SDSAP’s appropriate regulation, policy or procedure:

6.1.2. You do not pay your course fees when due;

6.1.3. You fail to disclose relevant information to SDSAP (including in respect of criminal convictions) or have produced false, incorrect or misleading information, whether in the course of your application or whilst on your course;

6.1.4. You materially breach any of the terms and conditions of the contract: for example, failure to abide by health and safety requirements, serious cases of non -approved absence, or serious breach of Delegate Code of Conduct.

6.2 If the contract and your enrolment have been terminated, your entitlement to a refund of course fees and/or other fees will be in accordance with SDSAP Fees Policy.

6.3 On termination of the contract and your enrolment, you must return any property owned by SDSAP.

7 Break in studies

7.1 SDSAP may, on occasion and in line with its Fitness to Train policy require you to suspend your studies if it determines that you are not able for any reason to participate in the course.

7.2 During the intermission of your studies, the SDSAP may make adjustments to your course, in line with the terms outlined in conditions 16 and 17. You will be consulted as soon as the SDSAP is aware that changes may affect your course.

7.3 If your enrolment is interrupted or terminated for whatever reason, this may affect any concession awarded to you.

8 Fees and Costs

8.1 This section sets out key conditions relating to fees. You should consult the SDSAP Fees Policy for full information on fees and debts.

8.2 It is important that you read the Fees Policy carefully as this sets out the SDSAP’s and your respective rights and obligations including but not limited to circumstances in which sums paid to SDSAP will be refunded. It also sets out the potential consequences if you fail to make payment, which includes SDSAP’s ability to terminate your registration and this contract, and/or to withhold awards. In addition, non-payment of fees and/or charges could result in the SDSAP taking legal action against you to recover outstanding amounts.

8.3 We will not require you to pay a deposit to confirm the offer of a place on a course.

8.4 Course fees for each course become payable on enrolment. Course fees include: tuition, course materials, learning resources and are set out in the SDSAP Fees Policy. These are non-refundable within 4 weeks of the course commencement date.

8.5 Course fees do not include some personal materials, such as practice and work clothes, kit, and some tools as well as books or scripts. These are listed in the course documents and you will be supplied with a list before taking up your place.

8.6 The course fees confirmed in your offer letter may be increased in further courses of attendance.

8.7 It is your responsibility to ensure that all deposits, tuition and other fees and charges payable to SDSAP are paid when due. Your offer letter will state the amount of programme/course fees that you will be required to pay.

8.8 No Government-based loans are accepted on our courses.

8.9 Please note that if someone other than you makes any payment, or agrees to make any payment, on your behalf, you remain liable for full payment until The SDSAP has received cleared funds.

8.10 If you do not pay course fees in accordance with these terms, SDSAP reserves the right to withdraw your place on the course, and/or suspend or withdraw you from the course until any fee debt is paid or cancelled by SDSAP in accordance with its Fees Policy. If you cease to be a delegate of the SDSAP because or example you withdraw or the SDSAP terminates your registration, you may still be liable for any course fees and/or other charges which are outstanding, in accordance with the Fees Policy.

9 Risk of Injury

9.1 The SDSAP aims to provide a well maintained environment that all users and staff members find safe and enjoyable and in which you can seek to achieve your learning goals effectively. In providing this environment, the SDSAP understands and complies with its legal obligations to act reasonably to safeguard the health and safety of its students.

9.2 Pursuant to these terms and conditions, all students are required to familiarise themselves fully with and to adhere to the Delegate Code of Conduct and the Health and Safety Policy. You are required to take care for your own safety and for the safety of those around you, and to ensure that equipment that you own is suitable for the proposed use and regularly checked and maintained.

9.3 You should be aware, however, that the SDSAP courses and assessments can be physically demanding. In addition, the skills we teach include, by their very nature, involve elements of risk including injury. Whilst we take reasonably practicable measures to reduce or eliminate these risks, it is not possible to eliminate them all. Health care can be obtained free of charge from the NHS but waiting times for treatment are unpredictable and may result in disruption to and interruption of your studies. Long periods of absence may result in you being unable to complete the course.

10 Personal Equipment (and other property)

10.1 The SDSAP can accept no responsibility for loss or damage to your equipment or other property, which is incurred at SDSAP or otherwise in the course of your studies. Where possible, please do not bring mobile phones into the course area. If delegates need to bring mobile phones we politely ask they remain switched off whilst at the course venue. We operate a strict no filming policy throughout the course.

11 Intellectual Property

11.1 Intellectual Property Rights shall mean all patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, moral rights, trade marks, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights and other intellectual property rights.

12 Criminal convictions

12.1 As part of your application process the SDSAP requires information concerning relevant unspent criminal convictions to be disclosed, so that it may assess, whether it is appropriate to permit an individual to join the SDSAP community. The SDSAP will consider whether any unspent criminal convictions or related information are compatible with you taking up your place or continuing on your course. You are required to make a similar disclosure each course you re-enrol.

13 Data Protection

13.1 The SDSAP (“Controller”) collect, hold and otherwise process “personal data” (which may include “sensitive personal data”, each as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998) about applicants and delegates of SDSAP which is provided to them by you (or which is otherwise received from third parties) for their own, separate purpose(s), in accordance with each Controller’s Data Protection Statement.

13.2 This personal information is generally processed by the Controller for the following general purposes: to administer admissions, courses of study and pastoral care; to monitor delegate performance; to send communications to students; to compile statistics for internal monitoring and enhancement purposes or for publication; and to make required returns to external bodies,

13.3 Please note that by providing your personal information to the Controller, you are providing your consent to the processing of that personal information by that Controller in accordance with the relevant Data Protection Statement and any other information and/or consent form(s) provided to you from time to time.

13.4 We are committed to making sure that we protect the personal and confidential information we hold. We will ensure that the personal data we collect is dealt with legally, securely, efficiently and effectively, so we can provide the best possible service to you.

13.5 We need to collect and use certain types of personal data about you to provide you with this service and comply with our legal obligations. The Personal data you supply to us whether on paper, a computer or any other media, has to meet the appropriate legal safeguards as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. This Act requires that we put safeguards in place to ensure that personal data is dealt with lawfully, whichever way we collect, record and use it.

14 Safeguarding

A full and comprehensive safeguarding policy can be made available to delegates by contacting [email protected]

16 Course changes, discontinuance, suspension and non-provision

16.1 If it reasonably considers it to be necessary, SDSAP may make reasonable changes to the content, syllabus, mode of delivery and/or timetable of courses set out in the prospectus and course summary document which:

16.1.5 The SDSAP may discontinue, suspend and/or not provide courses if there are insufficient numbers of student enrolments to make a course viable and/or for any reason outside SDSAP’s control (as set out in Condition 18).

16.2 Where changes are to be made to courses in accordance with condition 18 which are not significant, we will, following suitable consultation with affected delegates, take all reasonable steps to notify you at the earliest opportunity and to minimise any disruption to your studies (if you are affected by the change).

16.3 In the unlikely event that the SDSAP changes a course significantly:

16.3.1. we will, following suitable consultation with affected delegates, take all reasonable steps to notify you at the earliest opportunity and minimise any disruption to your studies (if you are affected by the change);

16.3.2. you will be entitled to withdraw from the course by informing SDSAP of this intention;

16.3.3. If you withdraw from the course, SDSAP will not refinf course costs within a 4 week timeframe.

16.3.4. where reasonably practicable, SDSAP will offer you a place on a future course which the SDSAP deems a suitable alternative.

16.4 In the unlikely event that the SDSAP discontinues, suspends and/or does not provide a course:

16.4.1.The SDSAP will, following suitable consultation with affected delegates, take all reasonable steps to notify you at the earliest opportunity and to minimise any disruption to your studies (if you are affected by the change);

16.4.2.The SDSAP will refund course fees and/or deposits paid (albeit please note that, if reasonable, refunds may be calculated on a pro rata basis); and

16.4.3. Where reasonably practicable, SDSAP will offer you a place on a course which The Reel Scene deems a suitable alternative.

17 Other changes to the contract

17.1 The SDSAP may from time to time revise the terms and conditions of the contract including the rules, regulations, policies and procedures referred to in these terms and conditions:

17.1.1. in circumstances where SDSAP reasonably considers this to be necessary for the enhancement of its provision in the best interests of delegates and/or for the appropriate management of its resources and/or its student community; and/or

17.1.2. in circumstances which are caused by matters outside our control (as set out in condition 18); and/or

17.1.3. in circumstances which reflect changes in relevant laws; and/ or

17.2 Where changes are made to the terms and conditions of the contract under condition

17 we will undertake (where necessary) suitable consultation with students and (where necessary) take all reasonable steps to communicate and explain these changes you with as much notice as possible.

18 Events outside our control

18.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the contract if that is caused by an event outside our control.

18.2 An event outside our control means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation:

18.2.1. strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action or disputes (whether involving our workforce or any other party);

18.2.2. acts of God, pandemic, quarantine or widespread illness (whether affecting our staff and/or student body or otherwise), governmental requisitioning, emergency planning or provision;

18.2.3. war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war;

18.2.4. riot, civil commotion, invasion;

18.2.5. an actual, suspected or threatened act of terrorism;

18.2.6. fire, flood, storm, tempest, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster;

18.2.7. national emergencies;

18.2.8. breakdown of plant or machinery;

18.2.9. default of suppliers and/or sub-contractors; or

18.2.10.failure of public or private telecommunications networks.

18.3 If an event outside our control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under the contract:

18.3.1. we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you; and

18.3.2. our obligations under the contract will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the event outside our control. Where the event outside our control affects our performance of services to you, we will resume the services as soon as reasonably possible after the event outside our control is over.

19 Complaints procedure

19.1 The SDSAP welcomes feedback on your experience of being a delegate and looks to make improvements where it can. If you wish to complain about any aspect of our service after you have enrolled as a delegate, you may do so using the Complaints Procedure. To ensure that any complaints are dealt with both professionally and promptly, we insist that no approach is made to any member of our staff regarding complaints. In the first instance, all complaints must be in wiring and sent to [email protected]

The SDSAP’s Complaints Procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of the SDSAP in relation to your complaint.

20 Notices

20.1 If you have any questions about the contract or any of these terms and conditions, please contact [email protected]

20.2 If The SDSAP needs to contact you by email or in writing, such communication will be sent to the last contact email address and postal address provided by you to us. It is your responsibility to ensure that the contact email address and postal address that the SDSAP holds for you on file are current.

21 Your right to cancel

21.1 When we confirm your place on a course at the SDSAP, a legal contract is formed with the SDSAP (as explained in condition 2). For the avoidance of doubt, your place on a course at the SDSAP is only confirmed when you receive, in response to your acceptance of SDSAP offer, an email from the SDSAP confirming that you have been accepted onto a course.

21.2 No refunds will be issued within 4 weeks of the course commencement.

22 Other important terms

Equal Opportunities

22.1 The SDSAP values, respects and supports the principles and application of equal opportunities in education and training. Accordingly both staff and delegates are requested and required to respect and uphold the rights and dignity of others regardless of Race, Colour, Nationality, Ethnic Origin, Sex, Age, Disability, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender identity, or Socio-Economic Status.

Rights of Third Parties Act

22.2 The SDSAP accepts for the avoidance of doubt no responsibility for loss incurred where events beyond our control prevent any professional visitor from attending or carrying out their stated function. This means loss such as but not limited to (i) any direct or indirect or consequential loss or damages under English law, and/or (ii) to the extent not covered by (i) above, loss of travel expenses or accommodation expenses (including, without limitation, loss of use or the cost of use of property, equipment, materials and services including without limitation, those incurred to travel to, during or from our courses or by third parties), loss of business and business interruption, loss of revenue, loss of profit or anticipated profit.

Intellectual Property Rights

22.3 Prior written permission is needed from us to use our intellectual property in any sales promotions, media, marketing, reward programmes, staff incentives, raffles, auctions or general competitions.

‘SDSAP’ is a registered trademark; the SDSAP logo and any related SDSAP artwork cannot be used without written permission of Seraphim Film Productions Ltd.

22.4 You give express consent for the SDSAP to the use your actual or simulated likeness in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising and/or exploitation of any photos, film, video and/or audio recording of this event and/or any element thereof in any/all media throughout the world.


SDSAP merchandise may be available to purchase during the course duration or online post programme.

Social Media /Image Agreement

All agreements and consent waivers relating to social media imagery will be sent to delegates 7 days prior to the course start .

Damages to Venue & Theft

All delegates are responsible for and must pay for any costs, expenses or liabilities arising from damage to the venue and its contents and equipment caused by the delegate. Tacking, posting, taping or nailing signs, banners etc to any permanent walls or woodwork will not be permitted.

Certificate of Attendance

Each delegate will be issued a signed Certificate of Attendance.

Food and Beverages

Refreshments in the form of hot/cold drinks will be available throughout both programme days. Additionally, lunch will be provided on both days and we will confirm any allergy/nutrition details 7 days before the course start.


No pet animals are allowed, other than dogs assisting the visually impaired.


The contract is governed by English law and subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts. The language used in this agreement and any communication with us will be English

Get in Touch;

01293 786536

[email protected]
